You can use the following GitLab CI/CD actions to automate your workflow:

  • Whenever there is a chnage on the swagger file, the copilot actions will be updated automatically.
  • Make sure to replace the environment variables ($COPILOT_ID, $AUTH_TOKEN) with your own values.
  • If you want access to our API, please check this link.
  - update_copilot

  stage: update_copilot
    - >
      if git diff --name-only $CI_COMMIT_BEFORE_SHA $CI_COMMIT_SHA | grep -q "swagger.json"; then
        echo "Swagger file has changed. Updating Copilot actions..."
        # Delete all actions from Copilot using environment variables for ID and token
        curl --location --request DELETE "$COPILOT_ID" \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"
        # Wait a bit for the delete action to propagate
        sleep 5
        # Import actions from the updated Swagger file using environment variables
        curl --location --request PUT "$COPILOT_ID/import-from-swagger" \
        --header 'Accept: application/json' \
        --header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
        --form 'file=@"./swagger.json"'
        echo "Copilot actions updated."
        echo "Swagger file not changed. No action needed."
    - main # or any other branch you prefer
  image: curlimages/curl:latest # Use an image with curl installed